Hi, I’m Rakesh Chikatla
👋 Hi, I’m Chikatla Rakesh
👀 I’m interested in C++ Data Structures & Algorithms, Web Development, and competitive programming.
🌱 I’m currently learning advanced problem-solving techniques in C++ and exploring web development frameworks like React and Node.js.
💼 I’m actively working on building my LeetCode Progress with daily coding challenges and sharing my solutions on GitHub.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on open-source DSA projects, competitive programming challenges, and full-stack web development applications.
📫 How to reach me: www.linkedin.com/in/rakeshchikatla
🏆 Achievements: Solved 100+ DSA problems, built personal projects using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and C++.
🔧 Skills: C++, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Git, and version control.
⚡ Fun fact: I enjoy challenging myself with coding competitions and learning new technologies to stay ahead in the game!
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GirlScript Summer of Code (GSSoC) 2024
As a GSSoC 2024 Campus Ambassador, I played a vital role in promoting the event within my college and on social media. My responsibilities included:
As an Open Source Contributor in GSSoC 2024, I contributed to various projects, gaining hands-on experience with real-world codebases and collaborating with developers from around the globe.